Jamie Van Veen

We are thrilled to be welcoming a new young model to Stunning Men, beautiful Jamie Van Veen, featuring images by Marssiek at Koch Productions and Sunny Jagesar

20 years old Jamie Van Veen comes from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and is represented by CSA Models as part of their international roster.


Jamie is a model and actor with striking looks and a slim toned physique, perfect for fashion modelling.

Sunny Jagesar

Jamie enjoys being in the spotlight and started to do some small acting and modelling jobs at a young age.


Many thanks to Jamie for accepting to be featured and for doing the interview with us at Stunning Men with such kindness.

Sunny Jagesar

 Make sure you check CSA Models on Facebook and Instagram to see many more of their stunning models

All photographic copyrights to the respective photographers

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Jamie's vital statistics 
Height: 5'9" 
Weight: 120lbs  
Waist: 27"
Chest: 33"
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: dark brown

Jamie's interview in full

Jamie, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for taking the time to do the interview. You are from Amsterdam, Netherlands …
Thank you for having me. I was born in Amsterdam and now I’m living in Rotterdam. I work there for a beautiful men’s fashion store.

First thing first ... how did you get into modelling?
From a young age I always loved to be in front of the camera. When I was 14, I started to do more modelling work for starting photographers and that led me to where I am now.

Is modelling something you had considered before?
Well to be honest yes, I always loved to be in front of a camera or stand in the spotlights. So, I did some small acting work when I was younger and I never stopped doing these things.

What do you think is the most fulfilling thing about modelling?
For me it’s that I got to work with so many different brands and to meet new people.

You’re very young, not even 21 yet; has fashion been an important aspect of your life long?
I was always busy with looking on my best, so to answer that question, yes for me it is because it’s really important for me to look good.

How comfortable are you in showing off your physique in a shoot?
To be honest I feel really comfortable with that. It’s my body and I’m proud of it. For me I don’t need to be a really muscular person.

You have a nice slim athletic physique; what do you do to keep fit?
That’s a good one. I don’t do anything for that. Sometimes I’m going to the gym. But not always.

What is your diet like?
I don’t do a really strict diet or anything like that. I’m just eating what I like.

If you had a cheat day, what would be your favourite food?
I don’t really have cheat days. But what I like to eat sometimes, so it’s kind of a cheat day then, for me it’s tapas. I love food from all different countries.

What’s the best form of cardio for you, if you even do cardio?
I don’t really do cardio. but sometimes I do some jumping jacks and squats.

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
That’s a good question. Well, I think so... I mean, I have a smooth talk and I know how to dress properly. I love the romance of a date so I’m always trying to find something that’s romantic.

Your favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?
I love every type of music to be honest. But one of my favourites will be Sand, Moon & Stars by Carl Cox.

Do you have any other passions besides fashion?
Oh plenty. I have a big passion for perfumes and movies.

What can’t you live without?
That would be my phone, I mean these days you use your phone for everything and I’m a music lover. I’m always listening to music on my phone.

Could you finish these two sentences for us? You wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at ...
Oh, hmm yeah sure … well I’m really good at sales so that’s one of the best things I can do.

Now ... I’m just not very good at ...
I would say waiting. I don’t have any patience and I always prefer things yesterday rather than tomorrow.

One last question Jamie, what is your big dream?
Probably an answer everyone gives, but I would say famous. That would be awesome.

Jamie, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the future
Yeah, it was a pleasure. Thank you for this opportunity.
