It is with immense pleasure that we are featuring exciting fitness model Damian, with photography by Jesse O'Leary
27 year old Damian is another hunky Australian fitness model, whom we are showcasing at Stunning Men. He is located in Perth, Western Australia and is represented by
CSA Models

Eye colour: hazel/green
Hair colour: dark brown
27 year old Damian is another hunky Australian fitness model, whom we are showcasing at Stunning Men. He is located in Perth, Western Australia and is represented by
CSA Models

Damian works
in a search and rescue team, which is very demanding and requires him
to be super fit all year round. He has achieved an awesome physique and
judging by the photos, he seems to be on top of his game.

With his military background, Damian is down to earth and very focused and has been keeping fit for some time now. He has been an active guy from an early age.
If you want to discover many more of their amazing sexy models, simply go to CSA Models on facebook and check them out!
Damian's vital statistics
Height: 6'3.5"
Weight: 202lbs
Chest: 42.5"
Chest: 42.5"
Waist: 34"
Guns: 16"
Guns: 16"
Hair colour: dark brown
Here's Damian's interview in full
Damian, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you
for taking the time to do the interview. You are from New South Wales but currently live in Perth, Western Australia ...
moved to Perth about 7 years ago, I was travelling around Australia at the time
and I fell in love with Perth. The beaches, the weather and the people. It’s a
great part of the world.
First thing first ... how did you get into modelling?
friends of mine have been doing it, and it always looked really fun, so I
decided to give it a try myself.
How comfortable are you in showing off your physique
in a shoot?
fairly comfortable, I spend a fair bit of time exercising so I know I can get
my shirt off with a bit of confidence.
You work on a helicopter search & rescue team. How
amazing is that?
It’s an amazing
job, very fulfilling. Working in an incredibly dynamic and exciting environment.
You are looking incredible.
The job keeps you fit or you need to keep fit for the job?
I keep fit for
the job, but also I keep fit for myself.
When did your passion for fitness start?
I used to be in
the military and I guess the fitness part of my life never really left.
What keeps you determined and driven to work out?
I’m very good at
self-motivating, I don’t really need music or encouragement while I train. I
enjoy just putting my head down and grinding it out. The rewards of seeing
improvements and results is all the drive I need.
What is your diet like?
diet, well some people would say it’s the next big thing I need to start taking
seriously. I don’t eat 'super' unhealthy, but I certainly have a few more cheat
days than recommended.
Speaking of cheat days, what is your favourite cheat
day food?
Maybe bacon ... or
What’s the best form of cardio for you?
do crossfit, so a lot of weights and cardio circuits. I find that more
interested than just going for a jog.
Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think
you are a good date?
I guess, as long as they can handle the fact that I'll be at the gym a lot.
I know you said you didn’t need music to train, but on
the odd day you do, what’s your favourite song or piece of music to play?
not big on music while I train … but anything with a fast beat to keep spirits
high is good.
Do you have any other passions besides fitness?
like to travel, and get outdoors, camping and just jumping in the car and
exploring. Australia is a massive country, and there’s no end to the
exploration to be had in a 4WD.
What can’t you live without?
Probably a social
life. I feel too cooped up if I don’t go and hang with friends often.
Could you finish these two sentences for us? You
wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at …
… my job!
Now ... I’m just not very good at …
… cooking (big laugh)
One last question Damian, what is your big dream?
love my job in Search and Rescue, I guess I’m living the dream right now. I
hope that I can keep doing that, and turn it into a life career.
Damian, it has been a real pleasure to interview you!
Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the
Damian, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the future.