Stuey Mark

We are thrilled to welcome a new Australian model at Stunning Men, 26 year old sweet and sexy Stuey Mark.

Stuey is originally from Brisbane, Queensland and is represented by CSAModels

Stuey is definitely a very down to earth guy and he is not just a pretty face ...  very keen on languages, he speaks Norsk, Russian, Romanian, German and Polish

Many thanks to Stuey for accepting to be featured at Stunning Men and for doing the interview with us! Check it out and get to know Stuey a little more ...

Make sure you check csamodels on Facebook and discover many more of their stunning models.

Stuey's interview in full

Stuey, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for taking the time to do the interview. You currently live in the Gold Coast, Queensland but you are originally from Brisbane ... 
I was born in Brisbane Queensland and moved to the Gold coast as a child where I currently live. It is a beautiful part of the world. I enjoy spending my time outdoors exercising and socialising.

First thing first ... how did you get into modelling?
I first got into modelling a few years ago when I was in a wedding themed photo shoot as the groom. It was a great experience so I decided to keep pursuing this amazing industry.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
I enjoy modelling the most when I see all of the final photos after the shoot and to see how they turn out.

Let’s talk about photo shoots then ... how do you prepare for them!
I prepare by making sure I have eaten a nutritious diet and trained at the gym leading up to the shoot to look my best.

I think you have stunning classic looks? What do you think is your best asset?
I always get told I have a great smile. So I would have to say that is a good asset to have.

And if you could change one thing about your body, what would that be?
I don't think there is anything I would like to change. I feel happy with the way I am.

You have a great physique! How do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you practice any sport?
I keep in shape by weight training in the gym during the week and I follow that training with a great nutritious diet. I occasionally enjoy sprint training for sport.

What are your top three favourite gym exercises and why?
My first favourite exercise at the gym would have to be Deadlifts because it is a powerful feeling to lift a heavy weight off the ground. secondly I would choose Bench press because it is always a nice challenge to keep the bar from squashing me! And thirdly I would pick leg press machine for my legs because it makes for bigger legs!

And what’s the best form of cardio for you?
The best form of cardio for me would be High Intensity Interval Training because it is fast paced with little rest and it really helps speed up my metabolism and burn fat.

Now how do you keep motivated?
I keep motivated by seeing results and knowing that it only gets better if I keep going.

Is it difficult for you to fit training and fitness into your life?
It is easy to fit my fitness training into my life because I wake up in the morning and it is the first thing I do.

We know that you guys keep a healthy lifestyle ... but if you had a cheat day, what would be your favourite food?
My ultimate cheat meal would have to be a big plate of pancakes with maple syrup and coconut ice cream.

How do you approach a challenge?
I approach a challenge with the mind-set of absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
My family are my role models as they inspire me to get up everyday and be the best person I can be.

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
I would say I could be a fun date because I enjoy laughing a lot!

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Definitely briefs as boxers aren't too comfortable for me especially when training at the gym.

Your favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?
I would have to say a good track I would listen to at the gym would be 'can you feel it' by Timomatic.

What kind of movies do you like?
I love some thriller movies and definitely comedy.

What can’t you live without?
I can't live without Green smoothies.

Could you finish these two sentences for us? You wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at …
...  singing and juggling.

Now ... I’m just not very good at …
... riding a unicycle!

What three words describe you best?
The best three words to describe me would be funny, kind and calming.

One last question Stuey, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I see myself doing modelling and studying nutrition and in 10 years I would like to be helping others live a healthy lifestyle and travel the world.

Stuey, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the future
Thank you very much for having me. It has been a pleasure.
