Max Rhyser is a New York stage and screen actor, producer, writer and director.
Max first
caught our eye at Stunning Men when we came across a photo by amazing London
photographer Dylan Rosser.
While doing some
research on Max we stumbled across an episode of In Between Men and it was like
love at first sight.
Max has graced
the pages and covers of Beautiful and Instinct magazines. He has worked with many great photographers and although modelling isn't his main focuss, Max's portfolio is one of the richest and most diverse I have ever seen.
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Thomas Synnamon |
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T.M Hitchcock |
We got in
touch with Max a few months back regarding a possible feature at Stunning Men and
Max was up for it straight away. But being a very busy guy it has taken all
this time to set everything up and we are proud and thrilled to be able to finally
feature Max today and interview him.
If you
don’t know Max already, you will discover that he is not just a pretty face (or
rather a gorgeous one in his case!) but has got his finger in many pies ...
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Drew Tal |
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Boyer Photography |
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Dylan Rosser |
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Rick Day |
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Drew Tal |
Passionate is probably the one single word which could describe Max the best. Passionate about life and about love, Max says he is a hopeless romantic! He is “passionate about the power of love and people; people and their humanity, as well as their spirit”.
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Rick Day |
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Art-x-photography |
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Perry Senecal |
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Bruno Rand |
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Al Carlay |
of Max’s work as an actor:
A Four Letter Word,
The Teacher,
The Walk Home, Razortooth, Homeland,
Violet Tendencies, Dawns, Heads
and Tails, A Fallen Glass, Gangster, Scotch, One Life to
Live, The Lair, Decent Men, In Between Men, My Hero ... Max is currently filming The Genesis of Lincoln
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Al Carlay |
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Tarrice Love |
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Jon Whitney |
All photographic copyrights to their rightful owners
Here is the interview in full
Men – Welcome to Stunning Men Max and thank you for doing the interview.
Rhyser – My pleasure Didier – Thank you for taking the interest in me and my
baby Chaser.
SM – The pleasure is really ours. Could you start by telling
us a little about yourself? I believe you are from Amsterdam in the
MR – Yes.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands is certainly where I was born and spent most of my
childhood. My mother is American Israeli and my father is Danish… so there
aren’t any actual Dutch roots and yet Amsterdam is where the family has
settled. All 3 of my brothers left Amsterdam but have all returned. I’m the odd
one out in that respect, and a few others! (Max winks and smiles)
SM – Well
you definitely have an interesting family background in term of nationalities.
MR – We
are quite the mix, yes. But we don’t know any other way. As a family we moved
throughout Europe rather regularly attending International schools and American
schools and soaking up various cultures… We’re mutts, there’s really no way
around it!
SM – You
lived in London before moving to New York. How does life compare between the
MR – Life
in London was inherently different from New York for a few reasons… Mostly, I
was in College! Even though I had a money job during summers and bartended once
a week at a local North-London dive, Life was fairly simple. I was attending
Mountview, an acting conservatory that was very strict regarding attendance,
punctuality and structure… It was great! Simple. An intense routine – which I
loved. I was also younger and a lot wilder… (laughs)… in some ways.
Life in
New York has been very different. I’ve really had to discover myself in a world
with no structure other than that which I have created for myself. But New York
feels the most like home, right from day one and still to this very day, even
on the hardest days. Everyone is welcome here, and no matter who you are, there
is a place for you… New York and its people are amazing! I’m proud to call NYC
my home.
SM – You
started your career as a model about 7 years ago; was this your first love?
MR – Funny!
A lot of people think I modelled before I started acting. This could not be any
less true… Once upon a time I fell in love with a boy and moved to Montreal to
live with him. And that’s when and why modeling started… But let me put it
this way… Having grown up as an overweight child with image issues and a low
self-confidence… well, that made being a model, for however brief a period, a
dream come true. A dream I quickly realized held no real value for me
in the scope of the bigger picture. Don’t get me wrong, I love to model; it’s
like starring in your own little silent film… If I had known so many of my
images would go viral, I probably would have played it all a little smarter,
but you live and learn, and I do not believe in regret. I hope to do more… but
a career in modeling or it being my first love, no. A dream come true, yes,
short lived as it may have been.
SM – What about acting? Was this something you dreamt
of when you were young?
– Yeah for sure! Largely influenced by my older brother Joshua Rubin, who is
also an actor. But also largely inspired by Whoopi Goldberg… but that’s an
entirely different story. I was blessed with some amazing acting teachers in my
early years, they inspired me not so much with going on to an acting career but
in helping shape the person I wanted to become. Didier, I dreamed of a lot of
things. I’ve always been a bit of a dreamer. I’m really grateful to see so many
of my early dreams coming to fruition. Surprised to see how many previous
dreams have lost their importance… and mostly grateful to still be dreaming…
(Max smiles)
– Are you still modelling or have you moved on? We were just wondering what
career you would rather pursue; acting or modeling.
– Well I’m an actor! I love directing and I am happy to produce when I feel
strongly about a project… If a modeling
opportunity presents itself – I’d be thrilled to do it… but I’m not chasing it.
I don’t want to chase anything at this point. Not at the risk of chasing so
hard, I risk loosing the now… and the new dreams currently shaping my future…
– You have many strings to your bow; acting, modeling, directing, producing
and more. Could you tell us a little bit about Namaste/The Way Back Up?
– Namaste… among my all-time favorite words… there are several definitions for
it, among them: My Soul recognizes your Soul… That one really tickles me! It is
also a standard greeting in the Easter world and among many spiritualists…
far as Always Rising / goes, this is my Spiritual Healing
and Transformational Coaching Practice here in Chelsea NYC. I’ve studied
various modalities with various different teachers, the first of which was an
Indian Guru to whom I will always feel a lot of gratitude. Among the various
titles I hold, the most widely recognized is Reiki Master. I’ve been very
blessed in my life but growing up also experienced a lot of pain and turmoil,
admittedly often self-inflicted. I like to think it is my shameless humanity
and my own acceptance of my flaws, which makes me the Healer I am today.
– Your latest project, and it seems to me the one closest to your heart, is the
movie project Chaser directed by Sal Bardo, whom you worked with on the movie Requited. How did this project come
MR – This film started germinating in my
mind when I read an article while living in Amsterdam at the ripe age of 18. It
was titled ‘The Kiss of Death’ and exposed an increasing amount of men who were
using sex as Russian Roulette, i.e. had ceased using protection/exposed
themselves to HIV because of the thrill… This article played a huge role in my
life. It wasn’t until I turned 30 just this past summer that I explored having
sex (SAFE SEX mind you) outside of a loving relationship. I brought this up to
Sal when we started collaborating on Requited and he too had his own reasons
for wanting to make this film… and so CHASER was born.
My work as a Spiritual Healer was a very
strong reinforcement to the sexual deviancy that plays a role in many peoples
lives and in all cultures and communities… but none quite like our own, the
LGBT community. Which makes total sense of course considering how ‘our’ sex was
‘in the closet,’ forbidden, shunned and repressed; and largely still is taboo!
Anything involving shame/secrecy; anything kept in the dark will lead to
unhealthy manifestations… And so while touching on a dark subject, we aim to
bring light to it by revealing the truth about it… The truth will set you free…
it really will!
My own research – and NO I am not a method
actor – was the darkest, scariest and loneliest period of my life. What was
most disturbing to me was the amount of LGBT youth being exposed to the same
experiences I was faced with during my research mostly on-line or via Smartphone
technology and the unfortunate probability that they are growing up viewing
this as “normal” behaviour. We didn’t have these resources growing up but kids
today do… And there are a lot of people making a lot of money out of it! BUT –
another story for another time…
Chaser tell the story of Zachary Gold, a
young promising high school teacher who, disconnected from his family,
culture, and community, seeks solace in the fringes of the gay bareback
community. Our goal is to challenge our community (and all
communities!!!) and raise the simple question of why. It was essential
for us as filmmakers to refrain from placing judgement on Zach and his
actions and choices. We hope the audiences will fall in love with Zach
and his presence in the greater community (namely as a wonderful
teacher,) enough to be affected when they follow him and bare witness to
the choices he makes. The idea being this could be your son, brother,
friend, your child... Women are the second most affected by the lack of condom usage...(take a look at GRANT FURY': READ MY LIPS - Venice Penis,) and
mostly within the minority cultures. Young Black gay men have the
highest rate of infection... and there is an increase of HIV infections
within the older generation... I have friends who don't get tested... I
have friends who aren't careful... Some people still claim a top cannot
contract the virus! What? What? How can that even make sense? I don't
understand the ongoing myths around HIV... this however I know to be
true... The interviews I conducted of various different people, some
anonymous, all had ONE thing in common... SELF LOVE... That was the
unanimous conclusion... a lack of it and a need for it! SELF LOVE. I see
it all around me, in my practice and somehow the Universe has brought
along a lot of similar themed projects... it just happened... I have to
tell this story. And luckily the awesome Sal Bardo is telling this story
with me... his inspirations are here:
SM – Is ‘bug chasing’ as it is known,
really an issue in America?
– Well my friend, ISSUE, is a relative term? And from discussing this
‘issue’ with friends and fellow-artists exploring the same issue in
London, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam, I guarantee you… this
phenomenon is not partial to the US. Chasers were first documented in
the early 80’s. While the psychology behind chasing has morphed over the
decades, much as the virus has morphed into becoming a “manageable
condition” – YES – bug chasing is very real! Our goal with the
film is to raise questions and begin a dialogue about risky behaviour
and the self-injury involved in unprotected sex, namely bare backing.
Our film focuses on a Chaser but our commentary is on the drastic
increase of bare backing within our community (and all communities?) For
me I am exploring SELF LOVE. Zach's SELF LOVE? The essential
difference between chasing and bare backing, is the “intent” to contract
the virus. I guess what we are really exploring is those individuals
who may not consider themselves “chasers” and yet consistently expose
themselves to the virus… and why? Zachary Gold himself may not consider
himself a Chaser... maybe he just stopped caring... You decide for
yourself... and Sal and I will discover it for Zach.
SM – How
can people help with the project?
MR –
Being the controversial ‘issue’ that this is… we are relying on you, as
individuals, to step forward and aid us in our cause… For this very reason we
are receiving anonymous donations from people who support the importance/need
to see this film come to Life but do not want their names associated with it –
which is fine – we appreciate your help immensely… we all have our own battles
to fight along our unique journeys… and I totally respect that… In the same way
I respect fellow actors who chose to remain in the closet to “protect” their
careers… Not my way… but who am I?
whether you want to remain anonymous or not – please believe this is real and a
manifestation of growing up in a society that treats us as second-class
donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
And of
course for those of you who are in the New York area…
Join us
BENEATH THE SHEETS – our HIV/AIDS Awareness Event funding our film and
benefiting Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
SM – Are
we going to see a new series of In Between Men? You produced the show as well
as having a part in it, didn’t you?
MR – Yes,
that is all correct… but I am no longer a part of the show and will not be in
the second season. The producing team and myself had some differences of
opinion and so we parted ways… I hope the second season is more successful than
the first season and I wish them well, but don’t expect to see me – Jacob Ross
is no longer…
SM – Can
I say that Jacob was my favourite character? ... You have a great physique.
What kind of exercises do you do to keep in top shape? Do you practise any
sports? Do you have time for it even?
MR – My
physique… well to be honest my physique fluctuates for the very reason you
suggest, sometimes I just do not prioritize looking ‘good.’ I’ve been so busy with
my practice and acting, producing and writing and now being an event planner
that my time has indeed been very limited… And… (should I even share this?) my
mother has been staying with me for a month – which is great, but also a
definite time constraint… But I have the best mom in the world – I really do - so
no complaints there! (Max gives us a huge smile)
I am
always sure to keep moving, whether that means speed-walking across tens of
streets and avenues throughout the city as I get from place to place or dancing
around in my bedroom. I always walk when possible and mostly climb the 243
steps from the subway to the street, up onto my avenue and up the stairs to my
3rd floor apartment…
And while
I enjoy the occasional indulgence (who doesn’t right?) my diet is always
healthy! Not so much limited in amounts but rather by what I eat – I do believe
we are what we eat… Some of the lucky ones have bodies that don’t put on weight
but that doesn’t mean they aren’t affecting their health… A little awareness and
sensibility will take you a long way.
SM – Besides acting and modeling, what gets
your interest and what are your hobbies?
MR – Psychology, humanity,
healing, growth, challenge, romance, passion… I love food, the beach and
sunshine rock my world, I love connecting and learning about individuals, their
stories… I’m about to start kick-boxing (Yay!) and as the weather becomes
warmer and sunnier I look forward to just being outdoors, whether rolling in
the grass in Central Park or strolling along the river bank.
SM – And what do you do to
have fun and relax?
MR – I
love to have a good time, I do my best to treat myself with love and respect
but also like to let go and enjoy a little late night boogie… a good cocktail…
and romance… being in the arms of a loved one is definitely a favourite
pass-time! Yup! I’m a lover! Don’t get me started on that either…
SM – Do
you have any role models? People who inspire you?
MR – Yes,
and honestly, way too many to list just a few… However, what I will say is that
on the top of the list of people I want to hug most in this lifetime: Oprah!
(Max smiles)
SM – Now
a few fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
MR –
Tricky, tricky… but YES I do! I think I’m an amazing date… (laughs), if only I
could date myself… I’m kind of joking but there’s truth to that though… I look
forward to the day I put myself first and not the other way around… It is
impossible for me not to be affected by another person’s energy, especially
when in engaging in something like a date… so rest assured I’ll make you feel
comfortable… HOWEVER – Max Rhyser can be pretty intense, I’d much rather talk
about the truth and what really matters in Life than everyday pleasantries and
B.S. chit chat… if you don’t want the truth – stay away… Also, I tend to look
people very directly in the eyes, so if you’re one of those people who doesn’t
feel comfortable with eye contact, run the other way… And lastly while I can be
very serious – that is only inspired by my passion and the same is true for the
joy and laughter I so cherish in my life – it is fuelled by my intense love of
life and people… While sex will not happen on a first date – ever – if I had to
nickname myself I would dub myself CUDDLE MASTER! (Max gives us his stunning smile)
SM – Aww
... I do love a good cuddle too! Now tell me Max, what’s the craziest thing
you’ve ever done?
MR – I’d
say my soul choosing to enter this body in this lifetime is the craziest thing
EVER – but I’m so grateful to be here! The rest we’ll save for our next
SM – OK,
that’s a date! Are you a brief man or a boxer kind of guy?
MR –
Brief and boxer-briefs are my way… Luckily I have a friend at Calvin Klein who
ships me boxes of underwear all the way from London because someone who ‘loves
to shop,’ I am not.
SM – What
do you listen to on your iPod?
MR – Oy…
I honestly haven’t collected music since the 80’ and 90’s so I’ve got a mixture
of old stuff and music people share with me… and whatever Pandora station I’m
in the mood for that day, hour, minute. My taste has always been eclectic so that
works out just fine!
SM – One
last question Max, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be
doing in 10 years time?
– Where I will be I cannot even begin to imagine Didier… Or maybe I just
do not want to address the specifics of that just yet… Who am I to say what
life and time will bring… I’m hoping my acting career will still be
progressing, flourishing… That I will be back to writing much more full-time
and that I will be affecting change somehow, somewhere… I hope to be happily in
love and perhaps already starting a family… I hope to be grateful for all that
I have and all that I have experienced, just as I am today… and I hope to be
dreaming as much as I am today… As RUMI says, “Not for one instant has this
flowing towards me ceased.” I hope to always be in a place to accept this truth
no matter what Life throws my way… and be in the flow always… Life is a
beautiful thing… Namaste.
SM – Max, you have been
a real pleasure to interview! Thank you for your time and all the very best for the future!
Make sure
to check these links too!
Beautiful eyes he has, he's definitely one of my favorites till now!
Really talented guy, great interview DJ!