Christian Eric Strawn is a 23-year-old aspiring model and actor from Oklahoma City. He grew up on a cattle ranch in Southern Oklahoma.
Christian left home in January 2008 and moved to New York City to pursue a career in modelling and acting. He landed a great agency and started working, but after a while he decided New York wasn't for him and he returned to his home town.
Christian is an experienced model who has a few assignments under his belt:
Joe Cooper Ford - OKC - 2007
Sgt Grit Marine Specialties - OKC - 2007
Oklahoma Magazine - Tulsa - 2007
Modells Sporting Goods - NYC -2008
Genre Magazine - NYC - 2008
Rodale "Huge in a Hurry" - PA - 2008
Cosmo Magazine - NYC - 2008
Tristar Studios "Ab Coaster" - NJ - 2008
Nico and Adrian Runway - NYC - 2008
GOFIT Strength Training Equipment - Tulsa – 2009
Christian has worked with a large number of photographers:
Adam Medders - Dallas, TX
Don Weaver - Dallas, TX
Nancy Smith - Tulsa, OK
Crystal Mayhue - Ada, OK
John Mitchell - Hartford, CT
Karl Simone - NYC
Peter Neu - NYC
Shamal - NYC
Michael Tammaro - NYC
Rick Day - NYC
Tony Duran - Los Angeles, CA
Steven Gomillion - NYC
Kevin McDermott - NYC
John Amatucci - Tulsa
Vital statistics:
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 185lbs
Hair colour: brown
Hair length: short
Eye colour: blue
Skin: tanned
Check out a frequently shirtless Christian in the short film "Is John McCain the Manchurian Candidate?" at the end of this post.